My Diary

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Missions Trip in Pengkalan Hulu and Pulau Banding

Coming Soon!!!

Post Dedicated to the Missions Team from Holy Light Church

Post Dedicated to the Missions Team from Holy Light Church,

Lives that were touched were not just those who were there but also lives who went there. (mine was one of them) It challenges my faith to see men of God in those villages who for the sake of Christ chooses to forsake some extra luxuries and trust in God to take care of their families and providence.

To remind myself that life has more problems than my own, what I have is God's gift to me and what I can give and be is my gift to God. I'm glad I went for this missions trip and never did regret it.

To be able to travel with men and women of faith who have went ahead of me in life and who are still yet dedicated to God and serving Him while there could have many incidents or temptations that they could have just left the ministry to just take care of their family.

To know that no matter how we are, we are still able to serve God. Whether we are still teenagers or parents. We can still serve God and love God till the end of our lives.

Here I am giving a standing ovation to every servant of God who went for the missions trip and who are still in the missions field like Pastor Loh. You all have earned my utmost respect and have made an impact in my life.

Thank You:

Thomas, Eddie and Suit Wan: for the opportunity to join you guys for the missions trip

Joe, Yeoh, Thomas and Eddie: for helping me to know that we can still serve God even though when we have become parents and matured in age.

Suit Wan: for helping me to click with the team

Wai Kit: for knowing the true meaning of friendship

Joe: For sharing all your life's experiences with me. I have learned a lot from those stories, tips and lessons.

The Charlie's Angel (Amelia, Chermayne and Charity): for always bringing the laughter and jokes

Mei Ling: its an encouragement to see your heart for God and the little children

Yeoh: An inspirational and a message of faith during the chinese service

And the rest: Thank you for making the trip a success.

Though I will not be seeing you guys every week but i know one thing is for sure, we will still be continually serving the same God till the end of our lives.

But well, we can still always organise some movies or games together.
Don't forget me alright? =) (Especially if there is another missions trip, I will try my VERY best to make it - it's always a joy to see souls saved and lives ministered)

Keep shining for God.
Andrew Chan