My Diary

Friday, July 20, 2007

Poster for Passion & Fire

Hey Team,

What do you think of this for the Passion & Fire Poster 2007?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Finalized Invitation Card

Good Day Friends and Family of God,

Thank you for your input on the message. The invitation card has been finalised and will be sent for printing. Praying and hoping that everything could be done before Saturday.

Thank you and keep me praying for ourselves and the Passion & Fire.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Words to Say?

Dear FCC-ians,

Need some help here with some text.
We are designing the invitation card and I would like your input.
If you were to write a note to invite a friend, write in the comments on how you will write it.

The note is split into Part A & B:
For example:
Hey __________________!

guess what ? I’m ………….. ( i.e performing,going for it,singing,etc.). Cool ? come join me and support la.. oh no! its until 8pm.. what abt dinner ?I cant stay alive without dinner.
Don’t worry,dinner is serve *yum..yum* Come learn more about love that is never failing and mercies that never end. How is it possible ? From who will I receive them from ? Come la and see and hear more.

Meet ya there?
(Sign your name)

Do put in your words under my comments please.

Need it today please. Thank you =)