My Diary

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Path to Take

"Many are called but few are chosen"

Today my sister asked me whether i have time to date...

That was a really good question,
I guess when i have found the time for my family and then caregroup and then work then maybe probably i would think about it....

Just think about it, there always seems to be many things to be done in my family, ministry and work...

I'm still learning to strike a balance but after all I will always remember...

Proverbs 19 says:
"...a prudent wife is from the Lord''

So for the moment, I'm enjoying my single life and capturing every moment.

Love my God,
Love my family,
Love my caregoup members and the church,
Love my job and sooon,
One day... there will be one more love.

I'm not worrying, I'm trusting in God =)
I guess i'm just too blessed with a loving family, and a great bunch of loving friends around me =)